
Monday, December 24

Getting Creative with Picture Frames

When you move into a new house I feel like getting art on the walls in any strategic way is one of the last things to happen. I was really surprised to visit Shannon's new house and find that not only had she hung art but it had involved way more then banging some nails in the wall and crossing your fingers (my approach). 

With the help of her mom, they collected frames from antique stores and thrift shops, sprayed them a glossy white and then hung them. Sounds simple but you can tell by how well the frames are hung that some strategy was definitely involved.  I love the framed birds - it really brings it to another level. 
inspirational photo from Pottery Barn.
Lemon Tree Creations has 10 tips on how to perfect an empty frame gallery here

A sampling of other ways to use frames as decor: 
Picture frames on a faux fireplace and shelves

1 comment:

  1. Wow thanks for this compilation of ideas! Now I must hunt for frames :)


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