
Friday, May 18

In search of a coffee table duo...

I have a dilemma in my family room. We have a large (ginormous) L shaped couch, my hubby gets the long side and I get the short side. But if you put a coffee table in front of one side of the L - the other person has to live without. Also this is the room where the two kiddos play, so I wanted to avoid sharp glass corners first I thought that a nice big tufted ottoman would be a nice idea since the soft corners are safe for little ones, and I am just dying to have a big tufted ottoman....but they are so pricey and I have not mustered up the skill and effort to make one myself yet...and a fabric ottoman is not very washable...which when you have a two year old armed with markers and a 10 month old whose hands are always sticky, nice fabric has to be saved for the other rooms in the house. So for the past year we have been eating on our laps, and kicking over our drinks that we forget are by our feet. Enter coffee table duo. My thought is that they look cute together but when it comes to eating time we can each have a table - so they have to be stable and easy to move. There are so many shapes and styles - all I know is that I want them to be muy cheap-o. Here are some inspirations I am loving:

These are a possibility since they are from IKEA and $11.99 each, but I was hoping for something with a little more character like the red ones below. Photo Source.

Man oh Man do I love those gold cubes, but at $650 each, I will file them in the pretty to look at category. Instead the goal needs to be to find a pair of interesting and paint-able tables with nice lines. 
"Merlot" Side Table"Linea" Side Table

1 comment:

  1. Hey there :)

    My friend back here in CT has the Ikea tables in yellow and they are so adorable. They add a good pop of color to her living room. Seems like a good solution for the kids issue as well since they're cheap and you won't mind (as much) if they get marker on them.


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