
Tuesday, April 3

Refreshing Flower Pots

I totally have Spring Fever. The sunshine and longer days have given me so much energy. Combine that with my new obsession with spray paint and I have been getting lots done! What I love about spray paint is how immediate the change is. And how little skill it requires. Over the years I have accumulated different flower pots that really do not group well together. Spray painting them was fun because it not only brightened them up, but no matter what the shape, size or texture, it made them group together well. My daughter has some cute blue outdoor chairs so I decided to stick with the blues for the flower pots as well. 
I didn't prime the pots - I simply dusted them off, sprayed them with 2 coats of paint and sprayed the inside about 3"-4" down. So when I was done I had two navy pots for my front porch and three different shades of Blue for my back yard. Now I am just waiting for the garden supply stores to start stocking flowers. 

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